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Did you know that there are three common blueberry drinking mistakes that almost everyone makes? Release time:2020-08-19     Time to browse
Some studies have pointed out that red wine can improve the appearance and repair sunburned skin, and fruit wine has rich nutritional value. So many people make blueberry wine a beauty treat, increasing the frequency of a small glass before bed. Although blueberry wine

  Now wine has entered thousands of homes

  Compared with the spirits

  Blueberry red wine is more healthful

  But the wrong drink can still affect the effect of blueberry wine

  What are some common mistakes to make when drinking blueberry wine

  Drink more raise colour

  Some studies have pointed out that red wine can improve the appearance and repair sunburned skin, and fruit wine has rich nutritional value. So many people make blueberry wine a beauty treat, increasing the frequency of a small glass before bed. Although blueberry wine has antioxidant and anti-aging effects, blueberry wine is always the wine, too much alcohol will cause damage to the human cerebral cortex, is not good for the liver. And excessive drinking, alcohol will make the body dehydrated, but will take away the moisture of the skin, useless to the skin.

  Go to bed right after you drink

  Blueberry wine is good for sleep, and many people enjoy the habit of drinking a glass before bed. Blueberry red wine actually lowers your body temperature, speeds up the release of hormones, and speeds up your metabolism, which helps you fall asleep better. But alcohol also disrupts normal sleep, affecting the quality of sleep, making people less able to sleep soundly and more likely to wake up in the wee hours. So, if you're in the habit of drinking blueberry red wine before bed, drink red wine two hours in advance, and don't go to bed right after it.

  Drink on an empty stomach

  Drinking red wine on an empty stomach is likely to cause gastrointestinal irritation, intoxication, nausea, headache, rapid heartbeat and other adverse reactions. So it's best to eat something to put on the bottom, or eat and drink at the same time. This is not only conducive to the digestion of food, but also can reduce the absorption of ethanol gastrointestinal.

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