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The Effects and Effects of Blueberry Wine How much blueberry wine to drink a day Release time:2020-08-19     Time to browse
Blueberry wine is generally made from wild and natural blueberries, and is brewed through many processes. When blueberries are fermented into wine, not only do they lose no nutrients, but also make anthocyanin, selenium, amino acids, vitamins, calcium

  Blueberry wine is generally made from wild and natural blueberries, and is brewed through many processes. When blueberries are fermented into wine, not only do they lose no nutrients, but also make anthocyanin, selenium, amino acids, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and other nutrients more abundant and easier to be absorbed by the human body. Besides, their taste is more attractive than ordinary blueberry fruit and blueberry juice, which is known as "liquid gold" and "oral cosmetics".


  Blueberry wine is the main raw material for blueberry fruit, relevant institutions according to the measurement of 14 varieties of blueberry fruit, each hectogram blueberry anthocyanin content in fresh fruit as high as 163 mg, protein 400-700 mg, 500 ~ 600 mg of fat, carbohydrates 12.3 ~ 15.3 mg, vitamin A is as high as 81 ~ 100 international units, vitamin E2.7 ~ 9.5 mu g, SOD5.39 international unit, vitamins were higher than other fruits. Trace elements are also very high, with calcium 220 ~ 920 g, phosphorus 98 ~ 274 g, magnesium 114 ~ 249 g, zinc 2.1 ~ 4.3 g, iron 7.6 ~ 30.0 g, germanium 0.8 ~ 1.2 g, copper 2.0 ~ 3.2 g per gram of fresh fruit.

  Blueberry is recognized as a super fruit in the world. Blueberry wine is a fruit wine with low strength and high nutritional effect. Especially for women, they like to drink blueberry wine very much. Here's how blueberry wine works.

  The effects and effects of blueberry wine

  Blueberry wine is generally made from wild blueberry and refined with many processes. It is rich in nutrition and health preservation. It has a mellow taste, fresh, mellow, soft and fruity aroma. After the fermentation of blueberry, not only the taste of blueberry fruit, blueberry juice more attractive than ordinary blueberry, but also make anthocyanin, selenium, amino acids, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, a variety of nutrients more rich and more easily absorbed by the human body.

  The effects and effects of blueberry wine

  1. Prevent atherosclerosis

  Blueberries are high in pectin, which helps lower cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis, and promote cardiovascular health.

  Activate retinase, improve vision and prevent night blindness

  Blueberry wine contains the pigment Anthocyanin, which can activate the retina, strengthen vision and prevent eyestrain.

  Prevention of heart disease and cancer

  Blueberry wine is rich in vitamin C, which is believed to enhance heart function, prevent cancer and heart disease, prevent brain aging and increase brain power.

  Four, antioxidant, eliminate free radicals

  The polyphenols in blueberry wine can stop the production or elimination of spots during the metabolic process, thus keeping the skin of adult women clean and bright.

  Enhance human immunity

  Blueberry wine contains a variety of vitamins, can increase the human immune system, common colds, sore throat and diarrhea also have a certain effect.

  Six, enrich the blood, beautiful body

  High quality blueberry wine is rich in iron, can play the role of blood tonic, make women rosy face; During pregnancy, women's fat mass increases, postpartum can drink a moderate amount of blueberry wine to restore the figure, blueberry wine antioxidants can prevent fat accumulation.

  How many blueberry drinks a day

  Although the degree of blueberry wine is low, but it is also a wine, alcohol should be moderate, women drinking blueberry drink a small cup a day (about 50 ml) is better.

  When is the best time to drink blueberry wine

  Like red wine, blueberry wine is best drunk an hour before bed in the evening. It can help with insomnia, and it has a protective effect on the eyes and dark circles under the eyes. In addition, drinking blueberries to sleep at night is more conducive to the absorption of nutrients.

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